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Empowering support for resilience and mental health.

August 6, 2024

The 4-Step Introvert-Extrovert Conflict Resolution Plan

In relationships, many of us are drawn to people who are different from ourselves — as the challenge can be very attractive. That is, until conflict arises, and many are left asking, “Who is this... read article >>

June 12, 2024

Behind the Epidemic of Military Suicide

There is perhaps no group at greater risk of suicide than our armed forces. In a recent article published in USA Today, suicide has been confirmed to be the leading cause of death among active-duty... read article >>

April 4, 2024

How to Succeed With ADHD

The world does not understand the incredible potential of those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Unhelpful ableist messaging, misunderstanding, judgment, and disability-related ... read article >>

February 18, 2024

Do Gaslighters Know What They Are Doing?

Do gaslighters know what they are doing? This is a common question asked of the psychological abuse tactic intended to manipulate others into questioning their own sanity. The term came from the 1938... read article >>

January 15, 2024

Overcoming Trauma-Induced Imposter Syndrome

Most of us experience it from time to time, a belief that we are just not good enough or worse, a fear of being “found out” as a fraud. These feelings can be fleeting for some, but for those who ... read article >>

December 17, 2023

Facing Family Gaslighting During the Holidays

The holidays are arguably one of the most high-risk times for chronic forms of family gaslighting can occur. Throughout the year, you may have been able to distance yourself physically or mentally ... read article >>

October 30, 2023

Why Echoism Makes Social Life So Difficult

Dating can be difficult for most people, but for an echoist, it can prove to be even more challenging. On the extreme opposite from narcissists—who seek admiration and special treatment, lack em... read article >>
Gaslighting Article

September 18, 2023

A 5-Step Gaslighting Safety Plan

If you have ever experienced gaslighting, you know that it can be difficult to detect because the very nature of gaslighting is to cause confusion. Uncertainty about what gaslighting is and what it i... read article >>
Women gaslighted in the workplace

August 21, 2023

3 Ways Women Are Impacted by Gaslighting

While every one of us should remain vigilant to the emotionally abusive effects of gaslighting, marginalized groups can be targeted at much greater rates. Women are particularly susceptible to gaslig... read article >>
Highly Sensitive Men

August 6, 2023

How Forced Masculinity Affects Highly Sensitive Men

Adolescence is a confusing time when we look to our peers to gauge how to act, so we can be accepted. One normalized right of passage with boys is riling each other for being “weak” among the pac... read article >>

July 24, 2023

4 Ways Gaslighters Attempt to Ruin Your Self-Esteem

Few people are entirely immune to the effects of gaslighting because its tactics are highly effective. Gaslighting is an attempt made by someone to instill doubt in your perception of reality. It can... read article >>

July 17, 2023

How the Neurodiverse Can Better Cope With Decision Fatigue

The clock glowed 3:08 a.m. and I could not believe I was still tossing and turning in bed, over none other than what to name this blog. The options were too vast: There were too many things I was try... read article >>