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It is the start of the new year and I have more things on my list to do than I can count, and I have been asked to write my first blog post. Do I want to? Absolutely not. But will I? Yes, because what matters to me is that this blog becomes a safe, accessible and inviting space that is full of knowledge I have learned over my 18-year career as a counselor, while still having a dash of self-deprecating authenticity and humor. When I write I can create a world contained inside my own ideas, but outside the page, nothing is within my control and nothing is perfect.

That is what we are here to learn and journey through together. How to navigate the things that matter most to us, while still remaining balanced and not becoming overwhelmed with everything we cannot control. This can be especially challenging if you have a dynamic way of feeling the world like I do. I identify myself, after countlessly retaking the self-survey, as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). This is not just a casual personality trait that results in preferences about how I like to spend my money, time and focus. Instead it dictates how I experience my every waking moment. In some ways it creates an enriched experience of being alive that non-HSPs will never get to enjoy. While in other ways it can make life and everything it has to offer so overwhelming that I will throw my hands up and declare, “I just can’t”. 

Saying “no” and holding your boundaries offers more of the moments when you can declare “I just can”. Whether you are a parent navigating the many managerial roles that life entails, a business owner, a student, a deep feeler, a survivor, someone enduring trauma and trying to come out the other side or one of the other many identities we pass through in this life,  I got you. Every bit of advice, support, or anecdotes will come directly from either my own lived experience or from some of the thousands of clients I have been fortunate enough to work with in my career. I welcome any and all questions, I love open dialogue and if there is something you want to hear more about, by all means contact me and ask, and if I do not know the answer… I will tell you. The one thing I am not aiming for on this blog is perfection. In fact I loathe the word. Instead I will leave you with these goals for us to aim for together. 

  • Failing regularly – because then you know you are attempting hard things.
  • Expressing often – because then you know you are being as close to your authentic self as possible.
  • Remaining curious – because without curiosity we are left with only the inner critic.
  • Learn the value of forgiveness – of ourselves, of others and of life when it goes off track from our anticipated plans.

Again I want to thank you for taking this moment with me. I like to champion for time as being one of the most important boundaries we have to offer ourselves. I am honored that you took a moment of yourtime to read my blog and I hope it becomes a comforting space that you choose to return.

May you be happy, may you be health and may you feel at peace.

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